Debian 9 “stretch”


apt-get install gnupg2 gnupg-agent pcscd pcsc-tools scdaemon libusb-1.0-0 libccid
service udev restart


apt-get install libu2f-host0 yubikey-personalization yubikey-personalization-gui ykneomgr
service udev restart


There are new GUI and CLI tools currently in beta for Yubikeys. See Yubikey Manager and its CLI (ykman).

Further initial setup needs explained in [YubiEdit]:

# check USB devices
# Yubikey listed?

# make sure CCID mode is enabled
# note: -m86 is also possible, it enables all modes
ykpersonalize -m6

# check basic information of your yubikey
ykinfo -a

# check smart card readers
# pcsc_scan
# Yubikey listed?

# connect to key's GPG app and output version
gpg-connect-agent --hex "scd apdu 00 f1 00 00" /bye
# D[0000]  04 03 04 90 00
# OK
# -> means: v4.3.4

# OpenPGP Version 1 or 2 card?
gpg2 --card-status | grep Version
# Version ..........: 2.1


to do: yubi touch setup


Further references